Sonntag, 18. November 2012

I Give You Glory, O Christ

gefunden bei Trevin Wax
18.11.2012 10:32

I give You glory, O Christ,
because You, the Only Begotten, the Lord of all things,
who alone are without sin,
gave Yourself to die for me,
a sinner unworthy of such a blessing:
You died the death of the cross
to free my sinful soul from the bonds of sin…

Glory to You for Your love.
Glory to You for Your mercy.
Glory to You for Your patience.
Glory to You for forgiving us all our sins.
Glory to You for coming to save our souls…
Glory to You for Your crucifixion.
Glory to You for Your burial.
Glory to You for Your resurrection…

Glory to You who sit in great glory
at the Father’s right hand.

- Ephraim of Syria (306-373)

- from Prayers for Today

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